THE WOODLANDS, TX- MCLatina Inspira! brings together voices of struggle and success
The Texas Latino Leadership Round Table (TLLR) is hosting MCLatina Inspira! on Thursday, November 8, 2012 from 10:00 am ; 12:30 pm at Lone Star College (LSC) Montgomery, The Woodlands in the Mainstage Theatre, Building D, with check-in and coffee at 9:15 am.
The presentation is free and open to the public. Welcome remarks will be given from LSC Montgomery President Dr. Austin Lane.
MCLatina Inspira! is an impressive panel of dynamic Latina professionals - from entrepreneurs, educators, civil leaders, elected officials and CEO's to authors - that will share their personal stories of struggle and success.
These stories are aimed to inspire young women in Montgomery County as they take their place as community professionals and leaders. All young women are encouraged to attend this special presentation.
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