St. Luke's The Woodlands Hospital in The Woodlands, Tx has been awarded the Texas Department of State Health Services 2009 Five-Star Hospital Award designation. The award was announced on Wednesday, December 9 - Friday, December 11 at the 55th Annual Texas Vital Statistics conference held in Dallas, Tx.
""We are honored to have earned such a prestigious award. We are continuously striving to deliver the highest level of quality healthcare services and have significantly enhanced our womens and childrens services with our expansion of 24 additional private rooms, nursery, and OB/GYN 24/7 hospitalist and pediatric 24/7 hospitalist coverage. This award is reflective of our strategic hard work for the patients and families we serve,"" stated Debra F. Sukin, CEO of St. Luke's The Woodlands Hospital.
The Texas Vital Statistics 2009 Five-Star criteria for hospitals included the following, according to Mike Praetorius, Director of Patient Access Services for St. Luke's The Woodlands Hospital:
Timeliness: Completed 92% or higher of birth registration releases within five days of the birth using Texas Electronic Registrar (TER) between January 1, 2009 and September 30, 2009.
Paternity: Completed the state average or higher of potential Acknowledgments of Paternity (AOP) between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009.
Standardization: Used and distributed all pre-populated TER-generated forms.
Training: Attended the 2008 Annual Vital Statistics Conference or one of the 2009 Regional Vital Statistics Conferences scheduled for June and July.
ImmTrac Performance: Used the manual ImmTrac (NB-2) consent form to offer parents of newborns the opportunity to grant or deny ImmTrac consent, and submit properly completed forms for 95% of children born at your facility between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009.
St. Luke's The Woodlands Hospital is located in The Woodlands, near wonderful communities such as Alden Bridge and Panther Creek.
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