THE WOODLANDS, TX - Many feel Christmas is for the children, so some pre-adolescents and high school students have become the 'forgotten' at Christmas time. For the 'tweens' and teens of the lowest socio-economic status, it's a difficult time of year.
Pink Defying Gravity, Inc. has devised an idea to help many with just a minimum amount of resources. Originally formed to empower and mentor young women, Pink Defying Gravity, Inc. wants to ensure that the boys don't have a 'blue' Christmas either. During the month of November, the organization, in partnership with Woodlands Online, will be taking up a drive to collect toiletries for children in middle and high school.
The items are essential, but affordable. Items needed include toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and hair grooming items - combs, brushes, and hair accessories (barrettes, 'scrunchies', hair bands, etc.).Toys will be greatly appreciated too.
Items can be dropped off at the Woodlands Online office located at 25211 Grogan's Mill Road, Suite 170, in the Village of Grogan's Mill. Additional drop-off sites are currently being coordinated.
After the donation drive, the items will be delivered during the holiday season across several school districts in The Woodlands that have the most need.
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