Operation Graduation, an all-night lock in for graduating seniors at The Woodlands High School and The Woodlands College Park High School is set for Tuesday, May 29 for The Woodlands High and Wednesday, May 30 for College Park High.

Both schools are located in The Woodlands, Tx.

Operation Graduation is hosted by the same committee at both schools and held at McCullough Junior High at 2800 S. Panther Creek Drive.

It is designed to keep children safe, happy and together on their last night as a high school class.

The committee would love to have 100% participation from all graduating seniors.

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of Operationg Graduation, and in the last 24 years, there has not been a death or a serious injury among graduating seniors.

For only $25 per person, there's food, games, a casino, deejay, artists doing henna tattoos and caricatures, and prizes like TVs, bicycles, Kindle Fires, gift cards, etc.

Operation Graduation welcomes the support of the community in the form of monetary donations, which are preferred, or prizes that graduating seniors would like.

The Woodlands High School is located in The Woodlands by beautiful communities like Grogan's Forest and Grogan's Mill.

" Posted by Tamborrel Bulox Team on
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