If a picture is worth a thousand words, why not express your appreciation to our local public safety personnel concisely? Create a poster or submit a photo on the subject of law enforcement or crime prevention for a couple of projects associated with the National Night Out program in The Woodlands.
Say thank you to public safety personnel by creating a thank you poster at your National Night Out party. Pick up poster board at Supply and Registration Day, Wednesday, September 19, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The deadline to turn in posters is 5 p.m., Monday, October 15, at the Township Town Hall. The posters will be presented to public safety personnel.
If you're more creative with a camera than art supplies, enter a photo from your National Night Out neighborhood party. Photo entries must include at least one of the following: the National Night Out logo, a law enforcement representative with or without equipment, or a Woodlands Fire Department firefighter with or without a vehicle.
Judging will be based on the use of theme, creativity, neighborhood involvement, and overall impression. There will be one grand prize winner and seven first prize winners, one from each village. Photos must be received by Friday, October 5, for a chance to win prizes.
Source: woodlandsonline.com
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