Phil and Amy Parham, contestants on the NBC TV show "The Biggest Loser"" in 2008, are scheduled to make a special guest appearance at The Woodlands Children's Museum in The Woodlands, Tx at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 11.

The Parhams are scheduled to offer their insights on health and fitness, while promoting their book, ""The 90-Day Fitness Challenge: A Proven Program for Better Health and Lasting Weight Loss.""

The book provides a 90-day plan to jumpstart permanent weight loss.

Copies of the book are scheduled to be on sale at the Children's Museum, located at 4775 W. Panther Creek Drive, and the Parhams are scheduled to be available for autographs.

Angela Colton, executive director of the museum, stated ""We are delighted to host the Parhams at the Museum because what they are doing aligns perfectly with our alliance to Let's Move, a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady Michelle Obama.""

According to Colton, the Let's Move program is dedicated to solving the problem of obesity so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams.

The Woodlands Children's Museum is scheduled to be showcasing this information February 20 and 21 for Get Fit Month at the Museum.

Colton stated, ""Together with the Let's Move program, the Children's Museum is dedicated to solving the problem of obesity. We are developing curriculum that will give parents helpful information that supports healthy choices for children.""

The Parhams are touring the U.S. to promote health of the mindand body.

The Woodlands Children's Museum is located in The Woodlands by beautiful neighborhoods like Cochran's Crossing and East Shore.

" Posted by Tamborrel Bulox Team on
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