If you walk or ride your bike down the waterway you will notice construction soon begins on 20 Waterway Avenue. This is a new building planned to house four restaurants in The Woodlands Town Center. This was designed by Frank Lucas of Baltimore, MD, the building will be bordered by The Woodlands Waterway to the south and by Waterway Square to the east. Waterway Square is a one-acre ""European styled"" plaza with signature fountains that is slated to open in late February, 2008, according to Dan Leverett, vice president of commercial for The Woodlands Development Company.

All four restaurants will be very urban, with entries off the plaza and no back doors. Terraces, balconies and cantilevered decks will provide multiple viewpoints for those dining outdoors. Negotiations are underway with several restaurants to locate in the new building when it is completed in 2008.

The 30,000-square-foot building features a distinctive architectural design with a two-story structure on the south side bordering The Waterway and a three-story structure with roof terrace on the north side.

The taller structure will also extend further out toward Waterway Square. The main, elevator-served entry in the center of the building will be adjacent to Waterway Square and will include public restrooms. Separate interior entries will lead to the four restaurants housed in the new building.

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" Posted by Tamborrel Bulox Team on
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